:Base museArc.hlp :Title museArc Help 1 Welcome 2 Welcome to museArc.=HID_WELCOME 1 About 2 About museArc.=HID_ABOUT 2 About MPEG audio.=HID_MPEGAUDIO 2 New features of museArc=HID_FEATURES 1 Installation 2 Installing museArc on your system.=HID_INSTALLATION 1 WWW Usage 2 How do I use museArc as a helper application in my WWW browser=HID_BROWSER 1 First Steps 2 First steps with museArc=HID_FIRSTSTEPS 1 museArc controls 2 museArc Controls=HID_CONTROLS 2 Common dialog design=HID_COMMON 2 Tooltips=HID_TOOLTIPS 2 Context help=HID_CONTEXTHELP 2 The main control dialog 3 Main dialog controls=HID_MPEGSOUND_DIALOG 3 Controls=HID_MAINCONTROLS 3 Drag and Drop=HID_MAINDRAG 3 Resizing and hiding the dialog window=HID_RESIZE 3 Accelerator keyss and context menu=HID_MAINACCEL 3 Taskbar controls=HID_MAINTASKBAR 2 The playlist editor dialog 3 Playlist editor dialog=HID_PLAYLIST 3 Controls=HID_PLAYLISTCONTROLS 3 Adding audio- and playlist-files to a playlist=HID_PLAYLISTADD 3 Modification of the playlist=HID_PLAYLISTMODIFY 3 Drag and Drop=HID_PLAYLISTDRAG 3 Accelerator keys and context menu=HID_PLAYLISTACCEL 2 The properties dialog 3 Properties dialog=HID_PROPS 3 Audio Device 4 Audio device tab=HID_AUDIOPLAYBACK 4 Playback device=HID_PLAYBACKDEV 4 Playback parameters=HID_PLAYBACKPARA 4 Playback callback=HID_PLAYBACKCALL 3 Playback Mode 4 Playback mode tab=HID_AUDIOPLAYBACKMODE 4 Downsampling options=HID_DOWNSAMPLE 4 Sound quality=HID_QUALITY 3 Buffers 4 Buffers tab=HID_AUDIOBUFFERS 4 Audio buffer size=HID_BUFFERSIZE 3 Controls 4 Controls tab=HID_DIALOGCONFIG 4 Taskbar controls=HID_TASKBAR 4 Information scroller=HID_SCROLLER 4 Dialog size=HID_SIZE 3 Internet 4 Internet tab=HID_INETPROPS 4 Proxy server=HID_PROXY 4 User account=HID_USER 4 Downloading options=HID_DOWNLOAD 1 Uninstallation 2 How can I remove museArc from my system?=HID_UNINSTALL 1 Registration 2 How do I register museArc and get the full version?=HID_REGISTER 1 Support 2 Support, bug reports and comments=HID_SUPPORT